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Davide Varrucciu

Il rapporto con i media

In simbiosi con la vita dell'addestramento dei sui uccelli, Davide cerca di comprendere come poter arrivare ad un pubblico vasto per divulgare la sua conoscenza.
Diventando un contents creator e quindi, imparando a creare contenuti di foto e video di alta qualità e inserendoli quotidianamente nelle sue piattaforme social, arriva direttamente all'attenzione dei media.

Viene contattato, con l'opportunità di apparire con articoli nei quotidiani nazionali, su radio Deejay, riviste come Focus e L'Arca di noè, reti televisive come Rai e Mediaset per parlare di lui e dei suoi animali. Infine nel 2022 approda sul palco di ITALIA'S GOT TALENT con la sua poiana di Harris, Brave.


Professional in the field of training with animals of various species, Davide Varrucciu has always been fascinated by the world of nature and animals since he was a child, a passion transmitted by his father. As he grew up he decided to transform his passion into a profession, with the mission of transmitting more knowledge of animals to people, in order to be able to bring them closer and be able to make them look at them with a different vision.
He began a training course on the care and management of companion animals and specialized in dog training, later deciding to expand his knowledge with other different species such as reptiles and mammals, then discovering the kingdom of birds, which he is particularly passionate about.
Increasingly researching the importance of the human-animal relationship, he created the “Bernie the Hero” project in 2019 where in the absence of imprinting, in a year and three months, he formed a particular relationship with a Branta canadensis hybrid, basing everything on time and on interspecific communication, then managing to demonstrate with a video on the web, now famous throughout the world, a relationship beyond the limits studied to date and supporting the existence of a possible "secondary imprint" based precisely on the relationship.
Over the years he entered the world of falconry, now a world heritage site, training birds of prey such as falcons, buzzards and eagles not for hunting, but for free flight, teaching them to express themselves immersed in nature, soaring as if they were individuals in the wild . He has the opportunity by observing them, to learn their behaviors and every hidden facet, living them every day.
Subsequently he also applies the training with other bird species such as parrots and his particular blue-bellied African roller.
Today Davide is the author and producer of an unpublished TV series still in the distribution phase, in the docu series he searches with a path, a perfect equation on the relationship, comparing it with very particular animals together with their Animals trainers.

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